The ranger launches an arrow at the cackling kobold and sets his laughter to gurgles as he is downed by the attack.
Nicely done all!
This was an easy encounter obviously, at this point we can go over the rules for a short rest...
Short Rest
A short rest allows you to renew your encounter
powers and spend healing surges to regain hit points.
✦ Duration: A short rest is about 5 minutes long.
✦ No Limit per Day: You can take as many short rests
per day as you want.
✦ No Strenuous Activity: You have to rest during a
short rest. You can stand guard, sit in place, ride on a
wagon or other vehicle, or do other tasks that don’t
require much exertion.
✦ Renew Powers: After a short rest, you renew your
encounter powers, so they are available for your next
✦ Spend Healing Surges: After a short rest, you
can spend as many healing surges as you want (see
“Healing,” page 293). If you run out of healing surges,
you must take an extended rest to regain them.
✦ Using Powers while You Rest: If you use an
encounter power (such as a healing power) during a
short rest, you need another short rest to renew it so
that you can use it again.
✦ Interruptions: If your short rest is interrupted, you
need to rest another 5 minutes to get the benefits of
a short rest.
Great skirmish, any questions? Do we want another round with tougher foes?